
There are multiple types of RV Roofs:

  1. EPDM (Most common) made by Dicor
  2. Bri-Tek (EPDM only harder) also made by Dicor
  3. Fiberglass
  4. Metal roof

The roof is one of the least maintained parts of the RV but causes the most damage if a leak goes undetected. Maintenance is simple:

  1. Wash the roof at least once a year
  2. Check all of the lap sealant to ensure its not cracked, missing, or hard. Replace or add as needed.
  3. Check for cuts, rips, gaps, etc… and use eternabond tape, etc… to seal up the surface
  4. Check around A/C’s area for pooling water
  5. Verify around End Caps and Edges that there is no pooling water

Check out the images to the right. They are of roofs that are in need of replacing .

The following are must read articles on the Roof:

March 12, 2017 in Exterior, Roof


Roof The roof should be examined. Prior to climbing onto the roof examine from the ladder to make sure you don't see excessive rot. If this is a rubber roof…
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March 12, 2017 in Exterior, Roof, sidewalls

Front and Rear End Caps

Front / Rear End Caps The front and rear end are usually one piece fiberglass that are connected across the top, sides (up and down) and bottom using a tack…
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November 13, 2016 in Articles, Exterior, getting started, Resources, Roof, Tips, Tricks and Hints

Save your roof check your Antenna boot

Save your roof check your Antenna boot!!! **Update: This article has saved countless roofs. I spoke to one person that said he couldn't find the leak above his bed in…
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